About Us
About US

Stonehill was founded in 2005 and is owned by Mogens Stentoft.
We mainly produce innovative and high-end ergonomic workplace matting and industrial PU chairs and parts for the BTB market.
No nonsense and keep it simple is our way.
We are one of the most professional and experienced experts when it comes to big projects of tailermade anti-fatigue, fireretardent, ESD workplace matting for automotive-, electronic, metal-, distribution-, cleanroom- and foodindustries.
Stonehills ergonomic workplace mats are sold exclusively through a professional dealer network in Europe.
We all aim to improve the working conditions through the right high-end anti-fatigue workplace mat and ergonomic chair solution for standing and sitting workers.
Meet or exceed eg. international EPA/ESD/antistatic, fireretardency, hygenic, food proof and ergonomic standards as DIN EN61340-5-1, DIN EN1815, DIN EN13501-1.
A unique departure away from traditional PU and rubber manufacturing. We combine the best of efficient massproduction and good local workmanship with exceptional R&D, innovative materials, quality control, low-cost production and highly experienced staff.
STONEhill – more than just mats….

About us